Last Saturday evening in our fishing hole--Bricktown--was an evening of blessings. Brady, Trisha (his wife), and Roger joined me and the crowds seemed smaller than usual. I had bought the new "Einstein" sign from Living Waters, so I decided that this night would be a good time to break it out and make use of it.
Trisha informed me that she had invited her best friend from high school to Bricktown that night. This friend was married to a Pastor, and they were actually bringing their entire youth group to Bricktown to observe us and help us hand out tracts. This group had just attended the local Youth Evangelism Conference in Norman, and--apparently--they were ready to actually do some evangelism. Praise the Lord!
The Pastor and his youth group were unfamiliar with The Way of the Master, which is where Brady and I got our training to do street evangelism. They had never seen the use of the Law in evangelism, nor did they have any first-hand experience with open-air preaching. Those kids were extremely helpful in handing out Gospel tracts, and they also provided us with a good audience as Brady and I took turns preaching the Gospel by the fountain.
I have to admit, I was experiencing some disappointment that night. I had invited several Facebook friends to join us for Bricktown evangelism, and nobody was interested and/or able. Still, I was grateful that we were still able to meet in our usual spot. When that large youth group arrived and was ready to help, I was GREATLY encouraged. To see young people flooding the streets, gospel tracts in hand, was a wonderful sight to behold.
Another encouraging fact was that we were able to preach up by the fountain that night and didn't meet with ANY resistance from the local police/security. Even better, the fountains were TURNED OFF that night, so--with our amp--we could actually be heard all the way around the fountain.
Finally, I was very much encouraged by the presence of Roger Pigg. He attends Graceway Baptist church (my former church). He is a retired school teacher and is wanting to redeem the years of his retirement. He has joined us several times out on the streets. He always keeps a stack of tracts in his shirt pocket, and he's always looking for the next conversation to have with people. What a joy to see an older man of God wanting to use his free time to further God's kingdom and to obey His Great Commission.
Please pray for me specifically as I ponder how exactly I will establish a regular presence on the University of Oklahoma campus this fall. There are prime times to do open-air preaching, and I would need to get off work for those times. I would appreciate prayer for wisdom and discernment as I make preparations.
My family and I have recently started attending GracePointe Baptist Church. We are very excited to have found a church that is 100% Reformed and 100% evangelistic. The Lord is moving in a mighty way in that church. Please add GracePointe to your prayer list! The Pastor's name is Jeff Brown.
Until next time, keep on proclaiming...
- Shane